Coloring Books!

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Coloring Digis

First and foremost, let's address some key points for improving your artwork:

  1. Print Quality and Paper Choice: The quality of your printer ink and the paper you select are paramount. Opt for paper with a weight of at least 80 lbs, typically used for light-weight business cards, greeting cards, postcards, etc.

  2. Marker Selection: When using solvent-based markers, consider brands like Bic Mark-its, Sharpies, and Prismacolor, along with baby oil, watercolor pencils, or Copic markers. These materials work well together.

  3. Handling Water-Based Media: If you prefer water-based markers or other wet media, ensure your cardstock is thick enough to withstand alcohol-based markers without smudging or bleeding. If smearing or color bleeding occurs, follow these steps:

    • Heat Setting: Use a heat gun held around 7 inches from the images to set the ink without burning the paper. Allow the image to cool before coloring, and consider Copic or Prismacolor markers for coloring.

    • Embossing: Alternatively, you can emboss your image. To do this, use a glue pen or embossing ink pen to trace the image's lines carefully. While the glue is still wet, sprinkle clear embossing powder over it. Heat the image with a heat gun or blow dryer to melt the embossing powder. Once cool, start coloring.

Here are additional tips from experienced artists:

  • Hairspray Fixative: To set the ink, you can also lightly spray your work with hairspray and let it sit for a couple of hours.

  • Experiment with Different Media: Don't hesitate to mix and match different coloring tools such as brush pens, distress ink, watercolor pencils, and promarkers.

  • Marvy Memory Blender: Consider using the Marvy Memory Blender to enhance your coloring. It helps "lock in" the colored areas.

  • Microglaze Magic: Microglaze is a versatile product. Rub it all over your image to make it waterproof. Afterward, color your image using your preferred materials.

Lastly, keep in mind that there is a wealth of tutorials, articles, and videos available online that can provide valuable guidance on working with digital stamps. These resources recommend excellent techniques and essential supplies for your creative journey.


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